How to set automation move subscribers?



I read it somewhere that we could move subscribers to list x if this link clicked, where can I set this up?
While creating the campaign on "Template" stage, you'll find an option "Actions against subscriber on link click" at the bottom. Click on it and then on "Add action" button just above that. Select the links and match the list. Done !
Anyway, I don't think it's working.
Tried with one campaign, when use click this link it will copied to another list.
After 10 users clicks, there's no subscribers copied.

How to troubleshoot this?
I Just updated to the latest version... Still does not work... In-fact what i'm doing is the following:

1) Subscribe user to the "request info" list after a request for information via a phone call (do that myself with no welcome or confirmation email to subscriber)

2) Then have an autoresponder campaign trigger immediately after user is subscribed to the "request info" list

3) User the gets the auto email with template content from step 2 above with clickable links

4) User clicks link to go to a next step (at which point i've setup the next list to remove user from list in step 1 and add user to the new list

But user remains in the 1st list in step one and also gets added to new list in step 4...

I have used the move feature in the campaign and still not working... What are the steps or issues...

Am I even doing it in the right way...

Any and all help is appreciated...
I Just updated to the latest version... Still does not work... In-fact what i'm doing is the following:

1) Subscribe user to the "request info" list after a request for information via a phone call (do that myself with no welcome or confirmation email to subscriber)

2) Then have an autoresponder campaign trigger immediately after user is subscribed to the "request info" list

3) User the gets the auto email with template content from step 2 above with clickable links

4) User clicks link to go to a next step (at which point i've setup the next list to remove user from list in step 1 and add user to the new list

But user remains in the 1st list in step one and also gets added to new list in step 4...

I have used the move feature in the campaign and still not working... What are the steps or issues...

Am I even doing it in the right way...

Any and all help is appreciated...
Try with subscribing to real subscription form, as perhaps the first list needs the confirmation done to be complete, just a thought.
(Analyze the whole process, usually there is something missing if it does not work.)
All subscriptions are done through subscription forms...

Solicitation List = Subscription Form, But Single Opt-in With No Welcome Email
Autoresponder = 0 minutes after subscription send campaign with content (Click Link Within)
If Subscriber Clicks Link, then Move Subscriber to New List...

All the transactions are done through the MZ system. I'm not importing any subscribers. I'm adding subscribers from the form
All subscriptions are done through subscription forms...

Solicitation List = Subscription Form, But Single Opt-in With No Welcome Email
Autoresponder = 0 minutes after subscription send campaign with content (Click Link Within)
If Subscriber Clicks Link, then Move Subscriber to New List...

All the transactions are done through the MZ system. I'm not importing any subscribers. I'm adding subscribers from the form
Sounds right...and you are on the latest version with the latest patches?
Try the above with another user (not admin), as saw errors before on when user = admin (frontend customer/user = backend admin), not recently thow ;)
Agreed... However the issue still exists with me logged in as the client user... it also exists if not logged in as anyone, just exposed subscription form.. Its weird... Makes no sense...

I've even gone to the point of deleting campaigns and lists and starting from scratch. I've also kept it simple by eliminating segmentation etc... in case there was an issue with that...