I'm having trouble sending the campaign


New Member
I am sending 4 campaigns in parallel but when I send 1 more 5th campaign, it is just pending and when the remaining 4 campaigns are finished sending, the 5th campaign will start sending.

For example, I am sending 4 campaigns but want to send 1 more 5th campaign, this campaign will not run until the remaining 4 campaigns complete the submission process.

So how do I set up my campaign to be sent at any time?
When using pcntl, if a batch of campaigns have been selected for sending, a new batch will be selected just after those campaigns are processed for the current batch of subscribers.
So in your case, a batch is 4 campaigns and a 5th one doesn't get selected because those 4 needs to finish first the batch they are currently sending. You can simply increase the number of parallel campaigns from 4 to 5, but keep in mind the above explanation.
I am opening 10 campaigns in parallel, I understand your answer is: If customer A sends 4 campaigns, after completing those 4 campaigns, customer A can only send the 5th campaign. This means is this happening to 1 customer A, so can i start campaign 5 in customer B's account?

Thank You Very Much
I am opening 10 campaigns in parallel, I understand your answer is: If customer A sends 4 campaigns, after completing those 4 campaigns, customer A can only send the 5th campaign. This means is this happening to 1 customer A, so can i start campaign 5 in customer B's account?
To understand better please check this article: https://www.mailwizz.com/kb/understanding-email-delivery-settings-and-how-they-impact-performance/ , this article explains in detail how these settings work.