Import Issue.


New Member
Hi every one.

From admin i allow to upload 15 mb file but my file size is 1 mb.
I increased the paus to 60 sec.
Even not upload file.
As i am uploading file of .txt there is no error and if i upload file .csv server internal error.

But every thing is ok why this problem is coming, my file one file has around 20 thousand emails??
I am uploading screen shot



  • 1.jpg
    24.8 KB · Views: 24
  • 2.jpg
    22.5 KB · Views: 21
  • 3.jpg
    30.9 KB · Views: 19
  • 4.jpg
    30 KB · Views: 21

From your screenshot, Import at once is set to 10k which is huge.
Mailwizz import runs in batches, so it is okay to set a low number there, something like 100 or 200 should be fine for most of the servers, otherwise, your server will be overloaded and will fail processing.

Now for the file size, even if you allow 15 MB from mailwizz admin, if your php isn't allowing this value then the upload will fail.
You should increase the values for the following directives from your php.ini file like:
memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
upload_max_filesize = 128M
Then restart your apache server for changes to take effect.

Give it a try and see how that goes :)
thank you so much. Problem is solved as i followed the following instruction.
Mailwizz import runs in batches, so it is okay to set a low number there, something like 100 or 200 should be fine for most of the servers,

thanks once again.