install warning

You need to either enable the fileinfo extension in your php.ini file or install it if it isn't installed.

What version of php are you using, as of 5.3 it is enabled by default unless you compiled php yourself.
thank you I am using php version 5.2 but my web host was able to adjust this in the server :)

the scrip works nice, but not sure what I need to set up to handle bounces??

What or who are you using as a delivery server? Delivery server setup determines bounce servers. It's not as simple as ABC, its more if you do A & B then you need B & C. Explain more about what you are trying to achieve and what your platform setup is.
you are right, somehow the mandrill knows, when bounces happen without any additional set up.
Need to ask my web host, what I need to enter, for feedback loop server and bounce server.

Also My campaign goes out twice, is it because I have 2 servers set up. Once I deactivate one server and activate another the campaign goes out again.... Is this a bug?
I don't know how, maybe you have entered them twice?
Just have a look at your cron jobs list and make sure you have absolutely no duplicate for mailwizz crons.
ok will check I could swear the are going out twice... Can I look up the cron job from admin app control panel?

also for some reason the newsletter looks off when arrive in outlook box, on the app preview it looks fine. Not sure how to fix this..


k will check I could swear the are going out twice... Can I look up the cron job from admin app control panel?
Cron jobs are server side things that can't be viewed in the application, you'll have to use your control panel for this.

also for some reason the newsletter looks off when arrive in outlook box, on the app preview it looks fine. Not sure how to fix this..
There are various hacks you have to do for outlook, just google them ;)

I let my programer web designer adjust the html newsletter, but now the app does not even let me import the html

  • Your form has a few errors, please fix them and try again!

why is this not working, and what would set off giving this error code?