Instant redirect to a "Thank you" page

Paul Brooks

New Member
Hey guys,

Is it possible to instantly redirect a new subscriber to a thank you/download page after they've submitted their contact information?

What I want to do it to redirect seamlessly straight after the optin and send a welcome email.

Thanks guys

There's an extension for this, list form redirect, you have to enable it from Backend -> Extend -> Extensions. Once you do this, if you go to your list subscribe form in the customer area, you'll see that you have options to insert a redirect url where the sub. will be redirected after subscription. You can also set the time, 0 is immediate.

Thank you, I have enabled this extension but I don't see an option on the list from to insert a redirect url, where should I see it? All I see are 2 tabs one for the sub form the other is an unsub form tab... am I looking in the right place?
Hello Twisted, good night.
I cant find this option too. I am at the list pages but i cant see this option. Where i can insert the custom redirect url? Can you please attach a printscreen here?

I found a url field at "Peeding Subscribe" on List pages but didnt work. Why? Still going to the MailWizz confirmation page.
Hello Twisted, good night.
I cant find this option too. I am at the list pages but i cant see this option. Where i can insert the custom redirect url? Can you please attach a printscreen here?


Catch your screenshot ;)
Hello. How to customize the url when the user is already registered in the list? I couldnt find this option.
Checked the Backend -> Extend -> Extensions and it is enabled. However, when going back into this sub confirmed page, I do not have those fields available to me. I have nothing below the "Available Tags" fiedls. This is driving me crazy...
So this option will be available for EVERY campaign that we create correct?
Every list will have the ability to redirect to a separate URL right?
I have followed all the steps above but the redirect seems to have some problems.

Any idea on how to solve it?


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