Interspire Users: How did you migrate?


To be honest, Interspire is a piece of junk and I am glad that we are moving over to Mailwizz.

Has anyone here been able to find a quicker/better way to export contacts from Interspire? Even a simple contact list of 80,000 subscribers will take close to an hour to export (about 100 subscribers per second) and bigger lists seem to just fail.

The MailWizz MySQL import is too basic (i.e. it works off one database table and it does not allow any conditions when importing). If someone has managed to put a SQL together which we can run outside of Interspire to export individual contact lists, that would already be a bonus.

If you export from Interspire Export option, it takes time to export.

But you can do this export process from your My SQL with query like select list and subscribers and then as you need.

After that you can simply import it into MW.
But you can do this export process from your My SQL with query like select list and subscribers and then as you need.
I was hoping for someone already having crafted a SQL which I can run standalone :-( Going to spend some time trying to figure out where IEM has their subscriber attributes (name, firstname are not in the subscriber table)
If anyone needs the standalone query for Interspire (this will export email, first name and last name):
s.subscriberid as SubsciberId,
s.emailaddress as EmailAddress,
(select from email_subscribers_data d where d.subscriberid = s.subscriberid and d.fieldid = 2) FirstName,
(select from email_subscribers_data d where d.subscriberid = s.subscriberid and d.fieldid = 3) LastName
from email_list_subscribers s
where s.confirmed = 1
and s.unsubscribed = 0
and s.listid = MY_LIST_ID

Interspire keeps custom-fields in the email_subscribers_data table and maps those via the field "fieldid" - if you have other custom data, you would just need to adjust the query above.

I hope this helps - exporting 300,000 subscribers to CSV via the above takes a few seconds compared to Interspire's built-in function taking close to 2 (!!!) hours.
Thanks for this after 4 days trying to migrate via MySQL because the IEM had problems with the export. This just saved my life :-D
Rockon Mailwizz.
Just one question, if I want to put the list name in the same table how can I do it???
Once again thanks for the help.
@bolty - if you wish you can write a forum thread about your tool, what is it good for, how it works, etc etc, and i can pin it on the forum for a few days ;)