Is it possible to not count merged lists in total lists number?


Active Member
under the List tab in Group options you can set the "Max Lists" the group is allowed to create.
Problem is: sending a campaign to more than 1 list creates a new MERGED list, that counts in the user's total allowed lists. And a new Merged list is created with every new multiple sending.

Since MERGED lists are part at the core of how multiple sending works, is it possibile to make these NOT count in the group's limit?
@Niko - Makes sense.

In apps/common/models/Customer.php add this new method:
public function getAllListsIdsNotMerged()
    static $ids = array();
    if (isset($ids[$this->customer_id])) {
        return $ids[$this->customer_id];
    $ids[$this->customer_id] = array();

    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    $criteria->select    = 'list_id';
    $criteria->condition = 'customer_id = :cid AND `status` != :st AND `merged` = :no';
    $criteria->params    = array(
        ':cid' => (int)$this->customer_id, 
        ':st' => Lists::STATUS_PENDING_DELETE,
        ':no' => Lists::TEXT_NO
    $models = Lists::model()->findAll($criteria);
    foreach ($models as $model) {
        $ids[$this->customer_id][] = $model->list_id;
    return $ids[$this->customer_id];
Then, in apps folder, do a search after `getAllListsIds` and replace it with `getAllListsIdsNotMerged`.
here's a screenshot with the files my editor found: 2016-09-06 13.34.04.png?dl=0
After sending to a merged list, can we remove the merged list without any ill effects to the campaign that it was sent to? or does it need to stay once we send to a merged list?
Any updates on this merging lists issue? It is a major headache to have the system create merged lists every time I need to send to multiple lists at the same time.
@dodgedesigns - You need to keep it, if removing it, will remove all the campaigns it sent to. This is one of the issues we're trying to solve in the near future, so that we don't use the merge lists feature anymore.
Not to complain but just to check back on whether this is being implemented, or whether it will be? I concur on the statement "It is a major headache to have the system create merged lists every time I need to send to multiple lists at the same time."
@Jackson Yew - we have yet to come with a solution for this, but we will remove the feature regardless the fact we will have a solution for it or not. This feature has been a huge mistake to start with.