<?php if ( ! defined('YII_PATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
return array(
// core related
'Core.Encoding' => Yii::app()->charset,
'Core.EscapeInvalidTags' => false,
// uri related
'URI.Base' => null,
'URI.AllowedSchemes' => array(
'http' => true,
'https' => true,
'mailto' => true,
'ftp' => true,
'ftps' => true,
'nntp' => true,
'news' => true,
'tel' => true,
'callto' => true,
'data' => true,
'[' => true, // pretty weird this works...
'URI.SafeIframeRegexp' => '%^(http:|https:)?//(www.youtube(?:-nocookie)?.com/embed/|player.vimeo.com/video/)%',
// html related
'HTML.Trusted' => true, // keep en eye on this
'HTML.SafeIframe' => true,
'HTML.MaxImgLength' => null,
'HTML.DefinitionID' => 'html-definitions',
'HTML.DefinitionRev' => 8, // increment this when the init class is changed
// attributes
'Attr.EnableID' => true,
'Attr.AllowedRel' => array('noindex', 'nofollow'),
'Attr.AllowedFrameTargets' => array('_blank', '_self', '_parent', '_top'),
// css
'CSS.AllowTricky' => true,
'CSS.AllowImportant' => true,
'CSS.Proprietary' => true,
'CSS.Trusted' => true, // keep en eye on this
'CSS.MaxImgLength' => null,
I'm working with mjml (http://mjml.io) to produce my newletters also it provides responsive and compliant templates for all clients.
I prepared the template and sent it through MW and next through a basic bash script. In the case of MW I have some issues as example the template have this kind of sfuff :
<style type="text/css">
@media only screen and (min-width:480px) {
.mj-column-per-100, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-per-100"] { width:100%!important; }
.mj-column-per-30, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-per-30"] { width:30%!important; }
.mj-column-per-33, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-per-33"] { width:33%!important; }
.mj-column-per-70, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-per-70"] { width:70%!important; }
.mj-column-per-45, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-per-45"] { width:45%!important; }
.mj-column-per-55, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-per-55"] { width:55%!important; }
.mj-column-px-240, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-px-240"] { width:240px!important; }
.mj-column-px-360, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-px-360"] { width:360px!important; }
and next this :
<div aria-labelledby="mj-column-per-100" class="mj-column-per-100".....
As the code was cleaned by htmlpufifier before be sent , these lines were broken.
I made a basic change :
in apps/common/components/utils/EmailTemplateParser.php
public function getContent()
return $this->_content;
Also could you add a simple checkbox or something to do the same ?
Actually I done this for gmail because it knows how to deal with
.mj-column-px-360, * [aria-labelledby="mj-column-px-360"] { width:360px!important; }
With mjml I can pass all the litmus renderers.
probably because it does not recognize thethis does not
<div class="mj-column-per-45"......
<div class="box-header" style="background:url('http://htmlpurifier.org/art/bglogo.png');">
<h3 class="box-title">[LIST_NAME]</h3>
<div class="box-header" style="background:url("http://htmlpurifier.org/art/bglogo.png");">
<h3 class="box-title">[LIST_NAME]</h3>