List Segmentation and Conditions

John Goff

New Member
Hello, i have a question:

I have a database with a list of guests that went to events; The fields are Name, Email, Event Name, Event City. There are some guests that went to more than one event. My problem is: i want to send a campaign to guests filtering then by events, how can i do that on MailWizz? Note: every event is an unique event.

For example:

John / / Bday Peter / New York
John / / Bday Josh / New York
John / / Bday Laura / New York
Lucas / / Bday Laura / New York
Lucas / / Bday Peter / New York
Ana / / Bday Peter / New York

The thing is, the contacts on database appears several times, so..

People that were at Bday Peter: John, Lucas and Ana
People that were at Bday Josh: John
People that were at Bday Laura: John and Lucas

My lists are split by city. So i have several lists: New York, Atlanta, London, Paris...
I want to send a campaign to New York's List.
It contains all the events that happened in New York. How do i do to send a campaign just to people that were at Bday Josh and Bday Peter. How do i segment my list to make that possible?

I'm afraid that when i upload my database to the platform, it will ignore the users that appear more than once. Because, as i told before, the same user appears more than once because he went to more than one event.
