What do you by the menu is missing? Can you provide a screen shot? What has been the result in making the list tab vanish?
Forgot that it requires an extra to "login as customer".
Would be nice if admins could see all menues at once, without having to do an extra login.
Thanks for being there, Birdy ;)
Oh i see from the backend, Well you can still actually see the lists from the backend by using the dashboard tab, You should see a box area with "At a glance" and able to view:

At a glance


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That's why I first did not bother, as I was busy with other things and knew there was LISTs in the dashboard. But when I wanted to go there, clicking on it did not bring me to lists, and then I started searching within each menu as it was not a top item, and thought, ok, it is visible in the manual, it has to be somewhere. Until I realised, after actually making a screen shot (for this thread) which does not have lists as it is a backend one, that I might have to look in the customer area (before always assuming the admin can see everything).
So when I click on that big LISTs dashboard button, nothing that right, or only when there is no list yet?
At the moment its more for informative purposes as appose to functionality purposes, If you had say 1,000 customers and they had several lists each, Clicking through to the lists from an admin level could start to get messy, Its always best to do it from an account level as appose to going into all the lists from an admin level, Things would start to get confusing for you when your looking at several thousand lists within a data table from the admin level.

It might be something for the future and while you have only a few lists it could be usefull but im not sure how usefull it would be once your application starts to grow into the larger volumes.

Ah, just had a thought how I would (if I could) design the LISTs view from the admin backend:
have LISTs as menu item, but when you go into it, it first gives you a choice to go by user, or
better yet, always only display the first ten lists at first (with search option on top), while in the user frontend you can set the displayed lists to all/100/50/20/10/etc.
This way, the user screen could stay the same, only for the admin there would be a few changes.
But maybe it is best as it is, because if you don't see LISTs, you know you are on the backend ;)