MailGun API Tracking set to false


New Member
The MailGun API Delivery Servers in MailWizz seem to be hardcoded with the following information in the header:
X-Mailgun-Track: false
Is there a way to enable MailGun tracking from within the MailWizz application?
I'm aware that MailWizz offers tracking, however it does not provide roll up reporting for a client across several campaigns in a given time frame.
Is there a way to enable MailGun tracking from within the MailWizz application without modifying the code?
MailWizz also does not insert the system tracking URL if a url is inserted as variable data. In order for that to function, the url has to be rewritten after it is passed to the MailGun or another provider.
You're pretty much on your own, you can edit the file /apps/common/models/DeliveryServerMailgunWebApi.php and look after:
$message = array(
    'from'       => sprintf('=?%s?B?%s?= <%s>', strtolower(Yii::app()->charset), base64_encode($fromName), $fromEmail),
    'to'         => sprintf('=?%s?B?%s?= <%s>', strtolower(Yii::app()->charset), base64_encode($toName), $toEmail),
    'subject'    => $params['subject'],
    'text'       => !empty($params['plainText']) ? $params['plainText'] : CampaignHelper::htmlToText($params['body']),
    'html'       => $params['body'],
    'o:tracking' => false,
    'o:tag'      => array('bulk-mail'),
    'v:metadata' => CJSON::encode($metaData),

And set the o:tracking key to true:
$message = array(
    'from'       => sprintf('=?%s?B?%s?= <%s>', strtolower(Yii::app()->charset), base64_encode($fromName), $fromEmail),
    'to'         => sprintf('=?%s?B?%s?= <%s>', strtolower(Yii::app()->charset), base64_encode($toName), $toEmail),
    'subject'    => $params['subject'],
    'text'       => !empty($params['plainText']) ? $params['plainText'] : CampaignHelper::htmlToText($params['body']),
    'html'       => $params['body'],
    'o:tracking' => true,
    'o:tag'      => array('bulk-mail'),
    'v:metadata' => CJSON::encode($metaData),
Did you get this working? I've set the o:tracking to true but still not showing opens and clicks inside MailGun?

TBH I don't really want to use MailGun tracking, but I would really like to have delivery and engagement broken down by mailbox providers, and if possible show number of emails (and percentage of list) sent to each provider. Would be incredibly helpful.