MailWizz - 1.8.1


Staff member
Hello everyone,

After a lot of hard work we are able to release MailWizz 1.8.1 which brings a lot of improvements, changes and enhancements as the changelog shows.

Since this is a cumulative and large release, please make sure you backup your data before upgrading.
This brings us a step closer to MailWizz 2.0 and we're hoping that 1.8.x till 2.0 to be only maintenance releases. We will start our work for MailWizz 2.0 in August or September most likely.

Back to this release, we're really happy that we were able to include basic survey functionality. While not a complete solution yet, it's a step in the right direction which in future will become better and better. For now you can create simple surveys and include links to them in your campaigns.

Another note, i think people that use PHPMailer as the system mailer from Backend > Settings > Common, should switch to SwiftMailer instead as it is much more reliable and the difference in speed between the two is not that big.

Here's the version full changelog, from 1.7.5 which was latest stable release, to 1.8.1:
--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.8.1 - 2019-07-10
--- -------------------------------------------
[BUG] - Fix broken breadcrumbs for numeric labels
[BUG] - Fix "empty" values handling in custom fields submissions for lists
[ADD] - Added API ability to create subscribers in bulk
[ENH] - Add comments for proper default value format for date and datetime custom fields for lists
[ENH] - If uploading a file for campaign attachments fails, we'll add a notification with the failure reason
[ADD] - Added email field type for email lists custom fields  
[ADD] - Added url field type for email lists custom fields  
[ADD] - Added phone number field type for email lists custom fields  
[ADD] - Added rating field type for email lists custom fields  
[ADD] - Added basic survey functionality

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.8.0 - 2019-06-27
--- -------------------------------------------
[ENH] - Improve SendCampaignsCommand to avoid sending dupes when a combination of slow Redis and dynamic limit was set
[ADD] - Added copy_customer_email_template action hook
[MSC] - Small fixes overall

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.7.9 - 2019-06-25
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added {app}_model_{modelclass}_before_savestatus action hook. Params: $this
[ADD] - Added {app}_model_{modelclass}_after_savestatus action hook. Params: $this, $result
[ADD] - Added BaseActiveRecord::buildHookName to easily build hook names for AR models
[SEC] - Added more checks against images to prevent uploading unwanted files interpreted as images
[ADD] - Added new model and settings area for delete logs
[CHG] - Delete campaign delivery logs setting has been moved into OptionCronDeleteLogs model instead of OptionCronDelivery
[ADD] - Added ability to remove bounce logs beside campaign delivery logs. Backend > Settings > Cron
[ENH] - Bounce logs can now be replaced by static counters if "Delete bounce logs" = Yes in Backend > Settings > Cron
[ENH] - Open logs can now be replaced by static counters if "Delete open logs" = Yes in Backend > Settings > Cron
[ENH] - Click logs can now be replaced by static counters if "Delete click logs" = Yes in Backend > Settings > Cron
[ENH] - After list import for customer suppression list, we will also update the list last update attribute
[MSC] - Small fixes overall

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.7.8 - 2019-06-10
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added ability to track phone links(tel:123123123) and email links(
[ENH] - Delivery servers assigned for lists and campaigns usage, can now be used for their tests as well

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.7.7 - 2019-06-03
--- -------------------------------------------
[BUG] - Fixed a bug where UTM tags were not properly added to links
[IMP] - Use instead of for placeholder images
[CHG] - Switched to PHPMailer 6.x which now requires PHP >= 5.5. If PHP < 5.5, fallback silently on using SwiftMailer
[UPD] - Updated ElFinder
[UPD] - Updated SwiftMailer

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.7.6 - 2019-05-15
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added [CAMPAIGN_VCARD_URL] tag which produces a url to download vcard details based on campaign info  
[ADD] - Added [LIST_VCARD_URL] tag which produces a url to download vcard details based on list info
[ADD] - DeleteInactiveSubscribersCommand can now do count only to check before removal
[ADD] - Added Postal Web API delivery server type. Requires PHP >= 5.4
[BUG] - Fix a bug where the subject tags were not parsed for plain text campaigns
[ADD] - Added BackendDashboardCacheCommand (backend-dashboard-cache) which can be used to pre-populate the backend dashboard stats cache
[ADD] - Added ID and Unique ID in backend > customers area
[ADD] - Added price_plan_order_before_calculate_totals and price_plan_order_after_calculate_totals filter hooks
[BUG] - If tracking links contained twig tags, these tags were not parsed
[CHG] - Changed following delivery server columns to 255 bytes length: name / hostname / username / from_email / from_name / reply_to_email
[ADD] - Added ability to resend to giveups manually from the web interface
[ADD] - Added ability to share campaigns between accounts by generating and using share codes
[CHG] - Better email notification for list import from CLI
[ADD] - Added the segment name in the new list name when sending a campaign to multiple lists and merging them together
[ADD] - Added redirect_url_after_impersonate_customer filter hook to be able to change the url where admins are redirected after impersonate
[IMP] - Make sure the mutex and cache keys are unique per application
Thanks for the update.

Can I still use all the functionality of Mail Wizz if I do not upgrade to version 1.8.1?
Thanks @twisted1919 and @Vpul Shah for your answers. If I update to the new version,
wouldn't it delete all my scheduled campaigns that I scheduled to be sent?

Also do you have any tutorial showing how to backup the old version and how to install
the new version 1.8.1?

Thanks @twisted1919 and @Vpul Shah for your answers. If I update to the new version,
wouldn't it delete all my scheduled campaigns that I scheduled to be sent?

Also do you have any tutorial showing how to backup the old version and how to install
the new version 1.8.1?

For safer side you can pause your scheduled campaign.

For update pls go through below link :
Great work!!
Do you happen to have any use cases for the new custom fields (i.e. ratings field, email field, URL field)? I.e. is the ratings mean to be used in a similar way to Mailchimp's subscriber rating, based on engagement and life time value?
@HappyMonkeys - For now the survey feature is super simple, you create your survey with the questions you want and then include the url to the survey in your campaigns by using the [SURVEY:{UID}:VIEW_URL] tag. Then you get stats related to the survey in the survey overview. Of course, survey are powerful with conditional fields and all that and connected to the list of subscribers the campaign has been sent to. All these are in our backlog for mailwizz 2.0 ;)
Hello everyone,

After a lot of hard work we are able to release MailWizz 1.8.1 which brings a lot of improvements, changes and enhancements as the changelog shows.

Since this is a cumulative and large release, please make sure you backup your data before upgrading.
This brings us a step closer to MailWizz 2.0 and we're hoping that 1.8.x till 2.0 to be only maintenance releases. We will start our work for MailWizz 2.0 in August or September most likely.

Back to this release, we're really happy that we were able to include basic survey functionality. While not a complete solution yet, it's a step in the right direction which in future will become better and better. For now you can create simple surveys and include links to them in your campaigns.

Another note, i think people that use PHPMailer as the system mailer from Backend > Settings > Common, should switch to SwiftMailer instead as it is much more reliable and the difference in speed between the two is not that big.

Here's the version full changelog, from 1.7.5 which was latest stable release, to 1.8.1:
--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.8.1 - 2019-07-10
--- -------------------------------------------
[BUG] - Fix broken breadcrumbs for numeric labels
[BUG] - Fix "empty" values handling in custom fields submissions for lists
[ADD] - Added API ability to create subscribers in bulk
[ENH] - Add comments for proper default value format for date and datetime custom fields for lists
[ENH] - If uploading a file for campaign attachments fails, we'll add a notification with the failure reason
[ADD] - Added email field type for email lists custom fields 
[ADD] - Added url field type for email lists custom fields 
[ADD] - Added phone number field type for email lists custom fields 
[ADD] - Added rating field type for email lists custom fields 
[ADD] - Added basic survey functionality

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.8.0 - 2019-06-27
--- -------------------------------------------
[ENH] - Improve SendCampaignsCommand to avoid sending dupes when a combination of slow Redis and dynamic limit was set
[ADD] - Added copy_customer_email_template action hook
[MSC] - Small fixes overall

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.7.9 - 2019-06-25
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added {app}_model_{modelclass}_before_savestatus action hook. Params: $this
[ADD] - Added {app}_model_{modelclass}_after_savestatus action hook. Params: $this, $result
[ADD] - Added BaseActiveRecord::buildHookName to easily build hook names for AR models
[SEC] - Added more checks against images to prevent uploading unwanted files interpreted as images
[ADD] - Added new model and settings area for delete logs
[CHG] - Delete campaign delivery logs setting has been moved into OptionCronDeleteLogs model instead of OptionCronDelivery
[ADD] - Added ability to remove bounce logs beside campaign delivery logs. Backend > Settings > Cron
[ENH] - Bounce logs can now be replaced by static counters if "Delete bounce logs" = Yes in Backend > Settings > Cron
[ENH] - Open logs can now be replaced by static counters if "Delete open logs" = Yes in Backend > Settings > Cron
[ENH] - Click logs can now be replaced by static counters if "Delete click logs" = Yes in Backend > Settings > Cron
[ENH] - After list import for customer suppression list, we will also update the list last update attribute
[MSC] - Small fixes overall

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.7.8 - 2019-06-10
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added ability to track phone links(tel:123123123) and email links(
[ENH] - Delivery servers assigned for lists and campaigns usage, can now be used for their tests as well

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.7.7 - 2019-06-03
--- -------------------------------------------
[BUG] - Fixed a bug where UTM tags were not properly added to links
[IMP] - Use instead of for placeholder images
[CHG] - Switched to PHPMailer 6.x which now requires PHP >= 5.5. If PHP < 5.5, fallback silently on using SwiftMailer
[UPD] - Updated ElFinder
[UPD] - Updated SwiftMailer

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 1.7.6 - 2019-05-15
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added [CAMPAIGN_VCARD_URL] tag which produces a url to download vcard details based on campaign info 
[ADD] - Added [LIST_VCARD_URL] tag which produces a url to download vcard details based on list info
[ADD] - DeleteInactiveSubscribersCommand can now do count only to check before removal
[ADD] - Added Postal Web API delivery server type. Requires PHP >= 5.4
[BUG] - Fix a bug where the subject tags were not parsed for plain text campaigns
[ADD] - Added BackendDashboardCacheCommand (backend-dashboard-cache) which can be used to pre-populate the backend dashboard stats cache
[ADD] - Added ID and Unique ID in backend > customers area
[ADD] - Added price_plan_order_before_calculate_totals and price_plan_order_after_calculate_totals filter hooks
[BUG] - If tracking links contained twig tags, these tags were not parsed
[CHG] - Changed following delivery server columns to 255 bytes length: name / hostname / username / from_email / from_name / reply_to_email
[ADD] - Added ability to resend to giveups manually from the web interface
[ADD] - Added ability to share campaigns between accounts by generating and using share codes
[CHG] - Better email notification for list import from CLI
[ADD] - Added the segment name in the new list name when sending a campaign to multiple lists and merging them together
[ADD] - Added redirect_url_after_impersonate_customer filter hook to be able to change the url where admins are redirected after impersonate
[IMP] - Make sure the mutex and cache keys are unique per application

"FileOps Failure on ... Permission Denied" when trying to upload the update folder to my mailwizz installed directory. Mailwizz update is from 1.7.5 to 1.8.1. Changed the folder permission if that would help but still same issue
Erroron folder update/apps folder
If you follow the regular upgrade instructions, there are absolutely no chances for the upgrade to fail. Any failure is like 99% the result of not properly following instructions.