@twisted1919 Hey there my good man. So one thing is that now when I have actions against for openers and clickers, it's great that they get copied over to the other lists, and I had to do that, not remove, or else, a person could come in and open or click, then be MOVED over and removed from that list they came into on their subscribe action, meaning they would then not received the next 16 days of their workflow, or you call it auto responder series I guess.
Ok the other issue I ran into, but I get it now, lol..., is that if I have a list rule set to unsubscribe the user from the other list they came from on the action when copied over, then they could not be sent from there if I did not use the newer list they were moved to based on their open or click.
The other issues, really a HUGE amount of work, is that every single replication of an email campaign when I copy it for the send group usage, when you choose a different list or segment in a different list, now all of the set up configuration is GONE, so the open increment increase by 1, sent increment by 1, copy to openers list, and then all the click update custom fields or actions against, on like 4 links 2 x sections there, ALL have to be redone OVER and OVER and OVER, and you have to make a send group of course, and well.... it's a TON of work!! I get it is the architecture, but here is another issue that is HUGE that I ran into, but I want to run this work around to you.
So when people are moved or copied into the openers list, and all clickers list, etc. when I run a segment there like sent increment is more than xy and fields are this , no issues there, all fields, but when I put opened any list campaign value is less than or equal to 30 days, I get nothing of course, because at this point , NO ONE even though moved from an OPEN action, will SHOW as an opener in this new list they were moved to!! So eventually when I get to 30 days or 30 sent increment, I could do an exclusion to say do not send if over 30 for sent increment and no opens for 30 days, by going campaign open value greater than 30 days...., but then nope, THERE IS no exclusion !!!
and I did the opener segement in the openers list, well then until they open again, they would NOT be sent to, but cannot use that segment till I send to the whole list for a while to get them show opens there.
So it's a nightmare still really in a lot of ways, this system is so complex for this use, and so many steps and 8x the work setting up a single send, that should only be 1 campaign, yet I get why it is not, lists are like their own isolated accounts, but really should just honestly make more customer accounts if they are totally separate, so HERE is what I DID to over come the not sending to inactive people, only active, even though I still have to deal with the rest of the laborious tasks required..
In the all subscribers there is no choosing custom fields, or dynamic anything, so that was no good, and I give up there cause just date ranges are available for time periods, ...
SO I did this to GET out the INactive users so we do not send to them
Inside each list, I have a list called, inactive purge. For openers it's basically they get 30 sends, and if no opens in 30 days they qualify as inactive, and clickers list I give 48 sends and then if no opens in the last 45 days, bye bye.
No I cannot EXCLUDE those segments and I cannot INCLUDE only active segments in those lists as I said above, and I cannot have them all go into a list by copying and exclude them either, but here is what I thought up.
I made a new list called INACTIVE Purge to Unsub. I have it set so that if ANY subscriber is subscribed to this list, they will be Unsubscribed from ALL other lists basically.
And in that INACTIVE Purge list each time before we do a send, each day, I use the list tools from within that single list to COPY over subscribers from the Inactive purge segments in each LIST to this one.
WHEN that happens!! BECAUSE the LIST I am bringing them into via this copy is set to unsubscribe them from all the other lists, in this way if I do this on each list segment in each list from in the inactive list I set up then ALL inactive subscribers will be Unsubscribed and we won't send to inactive subscribers.
However, after doing all of this, I now realize that honestly, I really should just try and FIND a way to only use one single list, and just have segments within it to send to instead of multiple lists, and then of course I can still use the copy and unsub from all set up I just did to purge users that are inactive.
But if the send group thing is necessary and if I do not have to change the list, only the segment, and maybe that will not re set all the set up and click automations, then that will be way faster.
However, I REALLY DO NOT SEE why in the WORLD if within one single list!!! Internally WE CANNOT JUST SIMPLY Select MULTIPLE Segments WITHIN the same LIST on the Same Email campaign to send to!!! Why!! ? Why can we not just do it that way? Or why not have exclude a segment or list.... or use the words and with or, not the operator up top so it's just ALL and, or ANY - / OR for all conditions, or any, !! ?
Why is the system like this. ? And why not condition sets or groups in segments... So one group can be this and this and or that, then next group joined with the word OR and then any subscribers in either group in a single segment are there, they all get sent to ? or Even if you did the groups in segments and each group could then be the ALL or Any operator, that could work to.
BUT having ONLY , ALL vs ANY in a segment, with no groups, then NOT being able to EVEN send to more than ONE segment in a group without a send group and multiple versions of a campaign, just seems like it's all soooooo hard when it should not be, and allowing or doing any of this would not or should not be difficult or put compliance at risk and not affect isolating lists.... but instead make it possible to operate FULLY on a brand / domain within a single list, by segments having groups, operators separately, and sending to or excluding more than one segment at a time.
For LIST exclusions, well that's easy, just put them in a suppression file!