Mailwizz sending slooooowly :)

Cyril Malka

I am sending a campaign to aobut 1500 subscribers. I use MailGun as an SMTP, which authorizes us to send batches of 1,000 mail at the time.

Now, on the plan I have, I can only use cron every 15 minutes (I will change plan so I can send each minute, but not before a couple of months).

Mailwizz sends very slowly and as far as I understand, it is because it sends 100 mails each time cron triggers, meaning each 15 minute.

So in settings -> cron, I changed the number of "suscribers at once" to 1,000. Is it it or do I have to change something else? (see picture).

Thanks in advance for your answers.




  • 2017-11-07_19-17-11.png
    164.1 KB · Views: 7
So in settings -> cron, I changed the number of "suscribers at once" to 1,000. Is it it or do I have to change something else? (see picture).
This should do it BUT keep in mind that this way, since you are on a shared hosting, the process might take longer to finish and the host might kill it before finishing, so keep an eye and see how it works.
I am sending a campaign to aobut 1500 subscribers. I use MailGun as an SMTP, which authorizes us to send batches of 1,000 mail at the time.

Now, on the plan I have, I can only use cron every 15 minutes (I will change plan so I can send each minute, but not before a couple of months).

Mailwizz sends very slowly and as far as I understand, it is because it sends 100 mails each time cron triggers, meaning each 15 minute.

So in settings -> cron, I changed the number of "suscribers at once" to 1,000. Is it it or do I have to change something else? (see picture).

Thanks in advance for your answers.


Try enabling PCNTL and see if it works, most shared hosts with 15min cron intervals have it disabled, but it is worth a try. If that does not work, then a high subscribers at once may be your only option to play with. So try to see how fast it sends and then see if you can max out the 15min by finding a number that is just under comfortably. You will see how many were sent in campaign overview and in delivery server logs.
Hello again...

One very, very stupid question: I have enabled PCNTL. But how can I see if my host have activated it or not. Will I see some error message somewhere or is it just by constating that it does not go faster?


Hello again...

One very, very stupid question: I have enabled PCNTL. But how can I see if my host have activated it or not. Will I see some error message somewhere or is it just by constating that it does not go faster?


See what it says in backend, miscellaneous, phpinfo
under "Configure Command" it should have listed '--enable-pcntl'
under "pcntl support" it should say 'enabled'