You should use nohup command to send the process in background and don't worry about it when closing the terminal:and dropping when i close my command-line program :S
nohup ./mdp-go >/dev/null 2>&1
It uses PHP's native implementation for forking processes, it's called PCNTL. If you ahve that extension on your server, you should be does the new update make mdp-go redundant per se?
No, but will be close. MDP is written in GO language, which is a language designed for concurrency and parallelist. PHP isn't.Will the per minute output to any server be as big as it is with mdp-go?
Yes you can but when you reach the upgrade screen, it will inform you that you also can do the upgrade from command line, and will provide you exact instructions on how to do it. Do that, do the upgrade from command line because if you do it from the browser, it might timeout because of the database changes and you might end up with a broken app.will update when i can, can i jump from to