Memory consumption?


Active Member

I am looking into server capacity config and I am just a bit curious about how much memory your sessions usually take (where the arrow points)? This (on the image above) is just a development server on slow HW and every plugin we have is not installed on this server.
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What are those memory usage stats refer to? It seems this is some session data, but what kind of session?
What I am trying to get at is, maybe we need to see the memory footprint for various use cases:
# browsing various pages in mwz
# sending campaigns with X processes parallel
# sending campaigns to small/large or lightly/heavily segmented lists
# ex/importing
# running heavy bounce processing
# different number of concurrent users
# low/high responsiveness of subscribers
What do you think?
The memory usage shown there is for the entire request ;) It's informative for what happens in the web interface.
For console (send-campaigns, bounce processing, etc etc) we keep track at /backend/index.php/misc/cron-jobs-history where we can see a short history for each command/cron job that ran ;)
The memory usage shown there is for the entire request ;) It's informative for what happens in the web interface.
For console (send-campaigns, bounce processing, etc etc) we keep track at /backend/index.php/misc/cron-jobs-history where we can see a short history for each command/cron job that ran ;)
That's great(er than expected, meaning lot's of good info) :)

Is an import cron on empty folder always an error? (runs only 0.02s)

So this will show all memory for all processes summed up that a pcntl sendout used? (i.e. different from the cli verbose result which only showed a few MB)?
Is an import cron on empty folder always an error? (runs only 0.02s)
I think that's just how long it took, 0.02 is fine for a cron job that did nothing.

So this will show all memory for all processes summed up that a pcntl sendout used?
For PCNTL it only shows for the master process, not for children as it's impossible. You can do some math and multiply with the number of processes.
I think that's just how long it took, 0.02 is fine for a cron job that did nothing.
Sure, and/but, if there was no file to process...the cron history for import will show an "error", correct?

For PCNTL it only shows for the master process, not for children as it's impossible. You can do some math and multiply with the number of processes.
Of course :) Just wondering, that this would be quite low (4.5MB x 50proc = 225MB), but sending takes quite a bit memory (stats table says ca 1GB more than when not sending), so it must be elsewhere as well (not just in the processes). What/where do you think this is?
Nope, that's not an error. An error is when the cron fails to run and/or finish ;)
Tested it, so after update, before first import by cron, the cron history will said "error" when there was no file uploaded, but after testing it, it shows success, also for all empty/no file future import crons.

Well, when pcntl is enabled measuring memory usage plays tricks. I think the best way to measure it in that case is to run it without pcntl.
The stats mentioned above, compare total server memory usage before any send starts (when no camp/pcntl sends), to when sending is at max (ie camp sending w/50 proc). These totals are from cli sar, so I guess they are absolute, i.e. sar does not care what runs, it just logs resources consumed.
On a stock CPanel server, how would I change MW to use PHP 7 instead of 5.6 ?
I have 5.5, 5.6 and 7.0 installed but not sure how to select which one to use.

No idea about CPanel, but in ISPconfig 3.1 which I use, I set it per website, either it's the default or I set an optional version. It's really simple.