Minor Bug In Segment


When you create a segment and enter various conditions
The "Operator match" does not work as expected
If you put "ANY" operator it actually works like "ALL"
And when you put "ALL" it works like "ANY"
@DarKZeroS - ANY means that subscribers with any of the filters condition should be matched, so if you have 10 conditions, it can only match one of them. ALL on the other hand, means that subscribers must match all 10 conditions.
Is this the way you understood it works?
With the option ANY and 10 filters I found 0 subscribers
And with the ALL option and the same 10 filters I get results

This should be the reverse since ALL is more restrictive than ANY
ANY should check the 10 filters and filter all that are true
ALL should check the 10 filters and only filter the conditions if the 10 filters are true

@DarKZeroS - ANY means that subscribers with any of the filters condition should be matched, so if you have 10 conditions, it can only match one of them. ALL on the other hand, means that subscribers must match all 10 conditions.
Is this the way you understood it works?