Need help with my scenario!


New Member
Hey there, thanks for taking the time to read this. I need some help on getting around my scenario and can't get my head wrap around it. I'm not that much of a technical guy but I do understand certain terms so.. here it is..

I'm setting up my Mailwizz with multiple SMTP servers (amazon, mandrill, mailgun, sendgrid, etc)
and plan to write a 15-30 day follow up email sequence.

I want 1 email to go out with 1 smtp and then change to another smtp on the next day's email.
Eg: Day 1 - Amazon
Day 2 - Mandrill
Day 3 - Mailgun

Followup sequence will be for just 1 list.

How exactly do I set this up in Mailwizz?

Also, do I have to do a warmup and send my emails slowly? (few subs first before adding more)

Thanks so much guys
Hello Aaj,

Simply, you have to assign all 3 or 4 servers to this customer or its group.

First day when you create a campaign you select server 1.

When you send second campaign select server 2.
Thank you so much VPul.

If I may ask another question, about the tag [CAMPAIGN_REPORT_ABUSE_URL].

I'm putting that in my emails so that if people want to report spam or anything will click on that. What exactly happens to the subscriber after they click that? Will they be blacklisted or deleted off the list?

I just checked that I had 1 person who clicked on that but his email is still in my list, not deleted or blacklisted. How do I make a subscriber deleted off my list or blacklisted (to prevent future sends) after they click that tag?

I'm putting that in my emails so that if people want to report spam or anything will click on that. What exactly happens to the subscriber after they click that? Will they be blacklisted or deleted off the list?
They will be unsubscribed from the list, with the "Abuse complaint!" note.
Sorry, I just tried it by reporting abuse with my own email. After clicking report abuse, putting in the reason, MW detects there's a new click on that tag and that my email was the one that clicked.

But I'm still in the list and not unsubscribed. Also there's now Abuse complaint note anywhere. Apparently I'm still in "confirmed" status in the list.
@AAJ - You are at limit, the functionality where the subscriber gets blacklisted is available in latest version, ;)
So you'll have to upgrade.
Just download latest version from CC, unzip it and open the file inside and follow the upgrade instructions. There's also a video in those instructions ;)
im stuck at this part: Database credentials and import

Where do I find the details actually?
Ok I need help. so this is what happened to it..

I tried updating but was following the wrong instructions.. the installing one.

And now I get that instead. is the update license key different to the previous one?
Or do I have to purchase again?

I have previous order details from CC if you need it. Please help!
This is what it says when I input the details I got:
  • It seems this application does not use a license key which suggests it actually is a nulled application which is illegal to use.
    Keep in mind that nulled apps contain backdoors and exploits that can allow full access to this server.
    Please make sure you install a proper copy of the application as soon as possible. Once you do this, this message will go away.
    Thank you.