New Frontend Page

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I've been trying and searching still I need to ask here...
From backend > settings > start-pages... how do you use that for frontend?
I've been trying to add a new frontend page but nothing, no matter what I write in "route" a new page, accessible in the frontend, won't be made.

Am I missing something? Shouldn't that create a new page with the header and footer (aka layout) of the frontend theme?
I've been trying and searching still I need to ask here...
From backend > settings > start-pages... how do you use that for frontend?
I've been trying to add a new frontend page but nothing, no matter what I write in "route" a new page, accessible in the frontend, won't be made.

Am I missing something? Shouldn't that create a new page with the header and footer (aka layout) of the frontend theme?


Well no "Start Pages" are not designed for creating frontend pages, its for in-app default pages only, where you can set "Heading, Icon & Content"

I think you are looking for a frontend theme, this might help you :-

Well, thats why I asked.
Because in start pages you have backend, for adding new pages in the backend, you have customer for adding pages for the customer area and you have frontend that is for... have no idea. What type of pages can you create from the Start Pages > Frondend?
What type of pages can you create from the Start Pages > Frondend?
You can ignore this for now, it's just an implementation detail, the code that's showing the available web apps shows the frontend/api too, so for now it does nothing.
Well, thats why I asked.
Because in start pages you have backend, for adding new pages in the backend, you have customer for adding pages for the customer area and you have frontend that is for... have no idea. What type of pages can you create from the Start Pages > Frondend?
That is probly meant for pages similar to those by e.g. the Landon theme.
I haven't misunderstood you. You pointed to Landon.
But the Start Pages have nothing to do with that. As Cris said
You can ignore this for now, it's just an implementation detail, the code that's showing the available web apps shows the frontend/api too, so for now it does nothing.
'Start pages' are not what they sound like. You could only use 'start page' content in the front end if you are using a frontend theme that includes hooks to call that content. Check out Landon or Wayne. Both are a good starting points and are fairly easy to dissect.
Both are one page themes.
Adding a new page from start pages does nothing because probably something needs to be added in the theme.
Hence my original question.

But since there was no guide on how to build a website except if you are a programmer, I had to copy/paste code from one place to another and by trial and error to have some sort of a website ( (stuck now at having a contact page with a form to allow visitors to contact me).
So you were able to build a front end by modifying an existing theme, but don't have the development resources to go beyond one page. If development is the issue, why even bother using MW for the frontend? There are only about a zillion kick-ass WordPress themes out there. Just use one of those and link to the app from login/register buttons from your main site.

Off the shelf, MW does not come with a frontend. @twisted1919 and his merry band of 'wizzers have made a start with some excellent themes, but the reality is that MW is not intended as an out-of-the-box, done-for-you business solution. (It sends email out of the box.) You're going to have to invest time, energy, and resources to make it work. (You've obviously already spent a lot of time on your site. Check out Freelancer or post your requirements to
And all I did was reply to your follow-up posts:

Both are one page themes.
Adding a new page from start pages does nothing because probably something needs to be added in the theme.
Hence my original question.

But since there was no guide on how to build a website except if you are a programmer, I had to copy/paste code from one place to another and by trial and error to have some sort of a website ( (stuck now at having a contact page with a form to allow visitors to contact me).

The "guide on how to build a website for non-programmers" is an easy read: "Get WordPress, 'bro.'"
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