No location info on IP's of Opens or Clicks


Greetings everyone!

I was trying to turn on all of the possible Locational extensions in MailWizz. Not even a single extension is helping me with locating an IP address of my customers.

Should I put any cronjobs to make this extension work fine or should I do any other movements to make this work?
@imeow - You just need one single extension enabled. Say freegeoip. Then configure it properly. Then send your campaign and enjoy the stats. It works for sure.
@imeow - telize has been discontinued and we removed that extension from the app core (, you probably have it because successive updates just add content, don't remove ;) Don't use it.
Is it possible to scan IP's that are without location info in my DB?
Unfortunately not, we can only do it when the action (open/click) happens :(