Opens rate python-requests/2.11.1


I send an email to a test list of 3 susbcribers(my email adresses). I open just an email. So I must have open rate 33.33% but I have 66.66% that means 2 emails are opened. When I click for details I see that an other email is marked like if it's opened with this informations :
User Agent : python-requests/2.11.1
IP Address : 54.244.54.***

How do you explain this.
It has to be some underlying software that opens and checks the email before it reaches the end consumer, maybe a spam filter.
An other bug in the same area :
For other email it's show as User Agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:11.0) Gecko Firefox/11.0 (via GoogleImageProxy)" but I opened all email in Google Chrome not in Fire fox.
Other issue concern the IP, it shows 66.249.93.** but my IP in wich I opened the emails is different.
