Pages html code is being stripped out


Active Member
I'm trying to add a simple back link (return to previous page) into the "Subscription confirmed" page so that users can afterwards go pack to the page they came from.

All of code I have so far tried however is being stripped out:

<a href="#" onclick="history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>
<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>
<a href="javascript:history.back()">Go Back</a>

Can you tell me how I can make sure this code can gets saved, please?
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I'm trying to add a simple back link (return to previous page) into the "Subscription confirmed" page so that users can afterwards go pack to the page they came from.

All of code I have so far tried however is being stripped out:

<a href="#" onclick="history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>
<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>
<a href="javascript:history.back()">Go Back</a>

Can you tell me how I can make sure this code can gets saved, please?
Well, this will never gonna work for the simple reason that when on that page, they're coming from a click they've clicked in their email client, from the confirmation email you have sent, this script would work if they were coming from ANOTHER WEB PAGE, but it will not send them back to your email message in their email client.

Good point - my bad.
I meant the "Pending Subscribe" page. This is always triggered by the form submission and since we embed the form in various pages, it would be good to allow the user to return to the previous page.