Preset lists and campaigns for customer group


New Member
I set up drip campaigns, lists for clicks and IP warmups for clients, is there a way to build campaigns and lists as a preset for customer groups?

Also, is there a way to change the value of the [SUBMIT_BUTTON]? I use the form for lead capture and "Subscribe" isn't flexible.

is there a way to build campaigns and lists as a preset for customer groups?
can you explain this please?

is there a way to change the value of the [SUBMIT_BUTTON]?
There is a hook you can use for this...
In the /apps/ folder, create a init-custom.php file with this content in it:
Yii::app()->hooks->addFilter('frontend_list_subscribe_after_transform_list_fields', function($content){
   $newButton = CHtml::button(Yii::t('lists', 'YOUR WORDING HERE'), array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-flat'));
   $content = str_replace('[SUBMIT_BUTTON]', $newButton, $content);
   return $content;
On the first part, I want to set it up so that a group of customer accounts will inherit a set of lists and campaigns.

The custom button worked great. Thanks!
