Problem sending mail

no i did now but i have not change anything either in server or in bulk mail system....

Any suggestion?

EDIT: U know what i thinking is that the problem also is valid even in the Validation Server

This is not a bulk mail.... what is going on
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Thanks a lot for all your reply's. I will search a bit more. If anyone have a clue please let me know


pls post full DS settings (except private data)
try SSL/465 or TLS/587 w/ no cert val req
try only alphanum psswd of length 8 (go back to 18 when solved)
see the mailbox setup instructions of your server (they usually have a link for that in the control panel/faq/help)
it is so that inactivated all DS, so one must active them again
pls post full DS settings (except private data)
try SSL/465 or TLS/587 w/ no cert val req
try only alphanum psswd of length 8 (go back to 18 when solved)
see the mailbox setup instructions of your server (they usually have a link for that in the control panel/faq/help)
it is so that inactivated all DS, so one must active them again

Hi frm.mwz

u mean DNS? What is DS?

And one more think i just notice...
Does that go incative automaticaly by something cause i didnt do it and i dont know from where i can activate it

I didnt made any change to get that
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Hi frm.mwz

u mean DNS? What is DS?

And one more think i just notice...
Does that go incative automaticaly by something cause i didnt do it and i dont know from where i can activate it

I didnt made any change to get that

DS = Delivery Server

v1.3.7.2 had some changes, and so the DS' were deactivated (not any users fault)
means you need to adjust quota, as no DS available or whole sending disabled in settings/backend
yes, that must be activated

but what are your sending settings (cron, customer, cust group)? pls post those screen shots (except private data), then it is probably solvable ;)
@Giannis Maroulis - I cannot see in the screenshots, but your delivery server setting for the Force FROM option, is it set to Never? If it is, this might be the issue, try to set it to Always.
Hi again..

This is my settings... as i see its online...

My cron.. i made 2 screenshots cause its a large page



Let me know if u need anything more
Thanks in advanced

re DS settings
# TLS port 587 (or SSL port 465; or STARTLS port 25...this should be coming from your host in the control panel info)
# force FROM: if signing domain unavailable

create customer groups, and at the beginning, have the same settings there as for general customers from settings area

reset quotas