Problem with Regular Campaings and Autoresponder

The satus of the autoresponders is sending (0%).
But others autoresponders are working properly... just 2 are not working. I tried to delete and create again... copy... but nothing works!

The status of the pending sending or sent (100%) but no mails have been sent.

Could you pls log into my application and check?
I got the following output:

[2019-12-05 17:04:49] - Starting the work for this batch...
[2019-12-05 17:04:49] - Loading 5 campaigns, starting with offset 0...
[2019-12-05 17:04:49] - Found 5 campaigns and now starting processing them...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 1
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This campaign belongs to Michele La Bella(uid: fe6250fgh1520).
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid gj110029v5585...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - For campaign with uid gj110029v5585 and worker 0 the offset is 0 and the limit is 100
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 2
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This campaign belongs to Michele La Bella(uid: fe6250fgh1520).
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid dm4710nfl0d24...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - For campaign with uid dm4710nfl0d24 and worker 0 the offset is 0 and the limit is 100
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 3
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This campaign belongs to Michele La Bella(uid: fe6250fgh1520).
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid tv401lztz7531...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - For campaign with uid tv401lztz7531 and worker 0 the offset is 0 and the limit is 100
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 5
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This campaign belongs to Michele La Bella(uid: fe6250fgh1520).
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid ve737xmapnc8d...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - For campaign with uid ve737xmapnc8d and worker 0 the offset is 0 and the limit is 100
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign Worker #0 looking into the campaign with ID: 7
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This campaign belongs to Michele La Bella(uid: fe6250fgh1520).
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Changing the campaign status into PROCESSING!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Looking for subscribers for campaign with uid zk447nv1a5582...(This is subscribers worker #0)
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - For campaign with uid zk447nv1a5582 and worker 0 the offset is 0 and the limit is 100
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This subscribers worker(#0) will process 0 subscribers for this campaign...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Running subscribers cleanup...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Checking subscribers count after cleanup: 0
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Sorting the subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Entering the foreach processing loop for all 0 subscribers...
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Done processing 0 subscribers!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - Campaign has been marked as sent!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - This cycle completed in 0.26 seconds and used 2 MB of memory!
[2019-12-05 17:04:50] - CPU usage in last minute: 0.98, in last 5 minutes: 1.34, in last 15 minutes: 1.42!

I do not have idea of what is the output.
can you pls help me?
Basically I have 2 problems:

1) regular campains. I tried to send 3 regular campains to a list with more than 3000 people. I set a limit of 100 max subscirbers in order to not send lot of mails all together. And my campains (all 3) are not sending.

2) another problems is with automations (which probably I do not have any info in the log). I have set several automation and they are working properly. Then I set 2 automation which are not working. I tried to re-set them but no way. This is really strange.

Would be possible for you to log in my application and check if there is something not set properly?
I could give access and tell you which are the regulare campains and automations with problems.

Thank you in advance
@Luis Alberto Cusati - in backend you can create groups and assign your customers to those groups. In groups you can set Sending quota , make sure your customer does not reached the quota.
I did not create any group. I dont understand why should I create group?
I think we are talking about something different.

I my application I have created:
4 Lists
3 regular campains (no one is woking)
7 autoresponder (2 not working, 5 working).

Why should I create groups?
@Luis Alberto Cusati - You should create a group, my answer is for your reply: "what you mean?"

I see in output pasted from you:
[2019-12-05 17:04:49] - Starting the work for this batch...
[2019-12-05 17:04:49] - Loading 5 campaigns, starting with offset 0...

It seems that trying to send only 5 campaigns is probably the only 5 that you say are being sent, try to run more campaigns than you actually allow from settings, so go to Backend -> Settings -> Cron and put 100 in the campaigns at once field, just as a test to see if it fixes your issue. If it does, lower this number to a lower one, say 20 so that you don’t waste your server resources for nothing.
If this fixes your issue you can enable Adjust campaigns at once, and then the system should try and automatically adjust and optimize the number of campaigns at once.