T thekhan New Member Mar 15, 2017 #1 hello i know there is a feature to rotate content in subjects and the email itself but icannot seem to find more information on how to use the tag or how does it work and does it have limitations can you help please ?
hello i know there is a feature to rotate content in subjects and the email itself but icannot seem to find more information on how to use the tag or how does it work and does it have limitations can you help please ?
twisted1919 Administrator Staff member Mar 15, 2017 #2 @thekhan - The tag is [RANDOM_CONTENT: Hi | Hello | Howdy ] But please don't put html in it, just simple phrases like above.
@thekhan - The tag is [RANDOM_CONTENT: Hi | Hello | Howdy ] But please don't put html in it, just simple phrases like above.