RANDOM_CONTENT:a|b|c] fail


New Member
Hi support,

We are using random content tag for subject lines :
[RANDOM_CONTENT:Lets go and do biz |Biz is waiting|Example 3]

It´s not working as expected.
Here example :


It was added to subject line and preheader
Any fix ?
Yes.It works @twisted1919 . After random content yahoo puts first email text after subject..

Its fixed now or do we need to put a blank space after : and after every | like you did ?

[RANDOM_CONTENT: Hello | Howdy | Hi]

Use a preheader text to avoid this. (see the preheader field in campaign setup step)
It always worked for me in either way, but if for you it works with spaces, use spaces ;)
@twisted1919 - I've just updated to the latest version and the [RANDOM_CONTENT:Hey|Hello|Hi] does not work. I tested on a real list. I've also tried with spacing and it also doesn't work. Did the last update break this by any chance? i.t's the 1.8.6 version I think.


  • Abuse.jpg
    87.7 KB · Views: 52
1) that's pretty big! All mailers have weird tags in them now. Any idea when the fix will be pushed out?
The issue seems to only happen when you have multiple random-content tags per line. If you have them in separate places, they work just fine. so it's not completely broken, but we will push the version on Monday most likely.

Will the attached block all emails with the word 'abuse' in them?

with the words abuse@spamcop.com, and similar
Those are emails you should never have in your system.
The issue seems to only happen when you have multiple random-content tags per line. If you have them in separate places, they work just fine. so it's not completely broken, but we will push the version on Monday most likely.
Those are emails you should never have in your system.
1) I do have multiple in a message. I have them for the greeting & the salutation. (goodbye etc)
2) Good to know!
3) Yes, a competitor, or somebody signed up with them so they got into the system.
- bit of a nightmare. They actually got my server closed down. The server created a ticket on a Sat morning, so I've only seen it now. So they suspended my VPS with client sites on it because I didn't respond in time! Flipping nightmare)
4) Is there a way to have an email address validated before being added to a list?
E.g. BEFORE a subcriber is 'confirmed' it checks if the email is valid using an email verification service?
5) Did you ever add a feature that let's us choose the case of custom fields?
e.g. FNAME = will always use format Fname (e.g. Alex, Sean, etc) so the first letter is capitalised? It looks much better when it says 'Hey Alex,' rather than 'Hey ALEX', in the ARs. Some people enter in their details in caps.
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4) Is there a way to have an email address validated before being added to a list?
E.g. BEFORE a subcriber is 'confirmed' it checks if the email is valid using an email verification service?
Yes, see any of the extensions: https://store.onetwist.com/index.php?product[]=mailwizz&tag[]=email validation

5) Did you ever add a feature that let's us choose the case of custom fields?
e.g. FNAME = will always use format Fname (e.g. Alex, Sean, etc) so the first letter is capitalised? It looks much better when it says 'Hey Alex,' rather than 'Hey ALEX', in the ARs. Some people enter in their details in caps.
This was already possible via filters:
Yes, see any of the extensions: https://store.onetwist.com/index.php?product[]=mailwizz&tag[]=email validation
This was already possible via filters:
4) Before I buy it can I confirm -
a) with it enabled it will not let unvalidated emails into the subscriber list?
b) can it 'clean out' all existing subscribers with bad emails? I.e. can I run it to clean out all bad emails on the system for all customers? Maybe even schedule it to run every 3 months?
If so, I wish I'd known about it earlier!
5) Fantastic! That's awesome. Now to roll it out everywhere.
6) Any news on any of the AR feature updates? I posted in the thread a while ago but never got a response.
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@Alex Read - release was pushed for several days.
I saw that and updated asap!

I want to but the email verify extension but need to check:
a) with it enabled it will not let unvalidated emails into the subscriber list?
b) can it 'clean out' all existing subscribers with bad emails? I.e. can I run it to clean out all bad emails on the system for all customers?
c) Can I schedule it to run every 3 months and remove bad emails?
If so, I wish I'd known about it earlier!
@Alex Read - Based on those requirements, you might be better with some custom code to do all that, it should be doable and tailored to your specific needs.