Recommended max email per hour for each IP


I have rotating 9 IP addresses for my emailing. My developer recommends no more than 250 emails per IP.

He said the reason is because "all big ESPs like Hotmail/gmail/yahoo published the rate they accept per hour not more than 250"

I find 250 emails per hour for each IP is way too little, particularly when I have like 30k emails to send out!

Can I check what is your typical setting for email per hour?
He said the reason is because "all big ESPs like Hotmail/gmail/yahoo published the rate they accept per hour not more than 250"
I think he is a bit confused here. This limit means the emails you are allowed to send using such a service, NOT to such service.
Exactly. That's what I thought too. GMail, Yahoo and Hotmail can't be that powerful right? :)

So I'll like to ask, what's your typical setting for max email? I'll like to know that's the general practice so that I know where I stand.
It depends on your ips reputation, you can start at 250/hr and see how that goes, what's the delivery ration vs the bounce ratio. If you're good, double it, see how it goes, and do it again.
@Joseph Attached guides can help you learn about IP Warmup & Reputation :) Good Luck!

Exactly. That's what I thought too. GMail, Yahoo and Hotmail can't be that powerful right? :)

So I'll like to ask, what's your typical setting for max email? I'll like to know that's the general practice so that I know where I stand.

You'll find all of the above and more inboxing wisdom (and warm-up schedules) here:
from the thread