Recurring Import Feature

Just setting this thread up so I can some insights on how to best work this.

Based on the feature description, this would be a very good tool. It should allow us to just generate an updated file and have mailwizz import it. Very useful in updating lists.

Anyone here currently using this?
Just setting this thread up so I can some insights on how to best work this.

Based on the feature description, this would be a very good tool. It should allow us to just generate an updated file and have mailwizz import it. Very useful in updating lists.

Anyone here currently using this?
You can do this already with cli import.
Do you mean we need to setup a cron job to invoke the url import? Its not part of the default cron jobs to call this feature?
If you look at your mwz cron jobs here:
and it is not there yet, then setup something like this:
php -q /.../apps/console/console.php list-import folder
for recurring imports.