Redirect subscribers to custom page after subscription


Staff member
In case you need to redirect your list subscribers to a certain page after they complete their subscription, then following steps will help you achieve this:

Step 1: (make sure the extension is enabled)

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

That's it, simple.
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Yip im on the right page

When im logged into backend here is the extension enabled

Here is when i am logged in as customer and on the right page
Nope still not there. I will say if i visit the links you suggest i get a page cannot be diplayed. to have index.php in the URL

How can i redirect to url if duplicate entry of email address? I just want them to continue to the next page... Thanks
When I add my custom URL and hit "submit" I get the following error:

Error 500!
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`natz_mailwizz`.`mw_list_form_custom_redirect`, CONSTRAINT `fk_list_form_custom_redirect_list1` FOREIGN KEY (`list_id`) REFERENCES `mw_list` (`list_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION)
I have followed all these steps and the extension is enabled but still the section to add the redirect url is not there.

is there anything i am missing?
It should be there in this case, are you sure you are on the right place?
Can you add a screenshot from the extensions area and also one from the page where you expect to find the option?


I've also noticed that i am missing custom assets and custom web hooks on the page.

thank you for you assistance with this issue.
Hey ,

Tokens are not usable and return errors in the custom redirect url text field.
I was trying to do /thankyou

Could you please fix this.
I am trying to do custom direct to a different URL when the user completes optin,
So i am trying to add tokens like http://[URLPAGE]/thankyou in the custom redirect url field but it gives an error as invalid url.

P.S - [URLPAGE] is saved via the optin form
makes sense ?