Registration issue


After user completed their registration , he / she is not receive confirmation email. Please advise how to resolve the issue .

There is no issue for campaign email. ( delivery server setting is correct ).

Check your backend -> misc -> Transactional emails area.
You should see all your emails there from registration and to see their status (sent/unsent)
If they are unsent, check your cron jobs for send-transactional-emails, most likely it's frequency has been altered by your host to run at more than once at 2 minutes.


As @daris pointed out, this isn't a problem anymore.
You should check your spam boxes as well, maybe the email reached there, but other than that, sending just happens for the above.
You should also check that you have a delivery server with Delivery for: All or Delivery for: Transactional emails.

Even I am facing the same issues,


I tried with Transactional for send email method, then transaction email logs, it shows as Unsent.

Then I changed to Direct for send email method, then no logs showing anywhere as anything and mail has also not delivered to Inbox/Spam etc.,

There are total 2 delivery servers active in the admin panel. One set by admin and other by member. Hope this settings are alright?

If everything is right, then what am I missing?

My cron:
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You shoudl make sure you have at least one delivery server for system, that is, not assigned to a customer.
That delivery server must also be usagble for transactional emails, that is, in it's settings under Use For box, you should choose either Transactional or All.
If the above criteria is meet, and the delivery server didn't reach any quota, then the email will send.

Keep the direct method as it's going to be easier for you to test.
Oh Okay, I now removed the customer from my main delivery server. Thanks for pointing to that.

As I mentioned, I also tried with Direct method, but it did not get through even to Spam Folder. Does direct method uses phpmail() function or which are assigned as at delivery server?
Does direct method uses phpmail() function or which are assigned as at delivery server?
Direct method uses one delivery server that is available for sending, if it finds one.
You could have a mandrill account for transactional emails only since they give you lots of emails for free for this purpose and see how that goes ;)
Hi there,
when my customer create an account then mailwizz does not send them the confirmation message but it was work from few days ago. I did not change anything inside my backend area but suddenly I noticed that it does not send me new customer account creation email and even customer registration confirmation email.

when create new account then it saying"
  • Congratulations, your account has been created, please check your email address for confirmation!
But don't send customer any mail.

check the attachment to see my current settings

I am using mandrill for send email.


  • screenshot_155.png
    37.2 KB · Views: 9
Check the Mandrill panel (outbound option on left side) if this email was sent to the destination address. If not, you will see the error code. If you are using another provider than Mandrill, check this option in the right place.
Thanks for your reply. I just checked my mandrill outbound menu and here is the screenshot of it please check it. I think there is no error but still I dont get any message when new customer register on my mailwizz


  • screenshot_251.png
    61.9 KB · Views: 5
Check the Mandrill panel (outbound option on left side) if this email was sent to the destination address. If not, you will see the error code. If you are using another provider than Mandrill, check this option in the right place.
Thanks for your reply. I just checked my mandrill outbound menu and here is the screenshot of it please check it. I think there is no error but still I dont get any message when new customer register on my mailwizz


  • screenshot_251.png
    61.9 KB · Views: 6
On screenshot I don't see any email confirming registration. What do have you below message with subject "TEST TEMPLATE"?
Ohh man. On screenshot I see info about 2 delivered email, but you show me only first from list. How looks the second message?
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OK. Check your backend -> misc -> Transactional emails area. Do you see here activation emails?
OK. Check your backend -> misc -> Transactional emails area. Do you see here activation emails?
When someone register then instantly it showing unsent but after few hours it showing email already sent but I and my customer does not get any email from it.


  • screenshot_253.png
    153.6 KB · Views: 11