
Please someone can tell me if there is any way to delete a client account immediately, since I delete the account and it is pending pending ... I do not understand this pending procedure to what? If I am already removing it as administrator ... someone who can clarify a thousand thanks
I do not understand this pending procedure to what?
If you delete a customer with 100 lists, 10M subscribers and 100 campaigns, it can take hours to be removed from the database because this is how things work, removing huge amounts of data takes time.
This is why, we queue this action and we put the status to pending-sending and we remove the customer for real just at midnight when the daily cron job runs.

So if you want to hurry the things, just remove the customer from the app, then from command line, call the daily cron job manually.
Now I understand, but I have effected the actual elimination of 4 clients and their accounts have disappeared, but nonetheless, upon entering the platform, I continue to say that there are 4 clients and the amount of subscribers etc, which actually no longer exist as you can clean this, And on the other hand how can erase the history?