Segments for opens and clicks


Hey there man, hope all is well.

Is there any chance of adding opens and clicks as a list segment?

The use case is pretty simple, I'd like to send to a list with a specific email server or service, break out the opens and clicks (in essence creating sub lists of these) and then send to those with a different server. The idea being that these should have a greatly reduced bounce and unsub rate and the sending reputation should be much better as well.
@Garret - While you cannot create a segment per se out of that, when you create a campaign, you can choose to only send to people that opened/clicked certain campaign, so that'll do pretty much what you are after ;)

P.S:What's up these days, didn't c u around for a while now.
Hello Garret,

In campaign, we have option to COPY/MOVE subscribers on Open/Click.

So if you set, you have that subscribers in new list.
@Garret - While you cannot create a segment per se out of that, when you create a campaign, you can choose to only send to people that opened/clicked certain campaign, so that'll do pretty much what you are after ;)

P.S:What's up these days, didn't c u around for a while now.

Hey man, yeah long time, glad to see the new service and to see that your keeping your eye on the ball. :-) This just keeps getting bigger and bigger as more people tell each other about it.

The current solution as posted by you does come close but leaves a lot to be desired in it's singular limitation. If you added an option to pick multiple campaigns you'd be much closer, or even opens/clicked on group maybe, that would cover all for sure. I just know that for a guy with multiple lists of 1M plus, being able to know that I have solid groups of opens and clicks makes things WAY more efficient and way less expensive for sending.
Hello Garret,

In campaign, we have option to COPY/MOVE subscribers on Open/Click.

So if you set, you have that subscribers in new list.

Hey there, yes, this one does come a lot closer but doesn't allow me the kind of flexibility it would if segments covered it and expanded.
Biggest reason a change should be made as suggested.

Let's say I have an autoresponder going, I want to send the whole series to everybody on the list. At the end of the series I'd like to mail the opens and clicks from this series. How would I accomplish this in the current setup?
At the end of the series I'd like to mail the opens and clicks from this series. How would I accomplish this in the current setup?
I am sure i am missing smth here... but in the last step of a campaign, you have a block that says:
"Send this campaign only to subscribers that have opened or have not opened a certain campaign, as follows:"
And you can choose from there...
I am sure i am missing smth here... but in the last step of a campaign, you have a block that says:
"Send this campaign only to subscribers that have opened or have not opened a certain campaign, as follows:"
And you can choose from there...

Yes, but that doesn't take into account the full series of an autoresponder campaign does it? So I may have a series of 20 emails in an autoresponder campaign. At that end of the campaign, I would like a "bucket" of people who have opened anything during that entire series, as well as a bucket for clicks. I don't want to stop sending that series of emails to them as I am selling them but I do want to know who my active people are.

This could be done at list level as well, segmenting people at the list level: in my list who have opened a specific campaign or any campaign, or a set of campaigns.