Sender - receiver bug

Britt Malka

I have to find out if it's certain senders or what, but sometimes my receivers are called things like =?utf-8?B?YnJpdHRAbWFsa2EuYml6?= instead of their mail address.

Right now I noticed that it happens for others, too, because I'm on a list where the sender uses mailwizz through inboxing pro, and he called me something similar

Furthermore, his from address was also something ?utf etc.
I'm not completely sure, but it seems like it's when sending through SparkMail, and I see the first one of these November 23th. I might not have used SparkMail before that, I don't remember.
@Britt Malka - That's actually a base64 encoded string which is required by some email providers in order for the data to travel safe from your server to their servers.
And you are right, we do use this for sparkpost but we didn't really had any issue so far with this approach, so i guess it's also up to the email client you are using to read the email, if it's able to parse that or not.

Unzip the attached file and put it in apps/common/models to overwrite the file with same name, then try it again and let me know if it fixes your issue.

