Sending Domain Verification Issue

Firstly Thanks for the useful app !
I have tried to add Sending Domain in 1.5.7.
I have tried to add DNS records provided by MW from it's own KEY set.
I used for long time same.
But in Hosting CP. When i add mailer._domainkey prefix record. NAMED service not restarting successfully.
As a Result MW can not verify the sending domain.
What am i missing then ?
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If mailwizz says it cannot fetch the DNS records it means it can't, so you most likely have to wait more for dns to propagate.

Thank you.

If mailwizz says it cannot fetch the DNS records it means it can't, so you most likely have to wait more for dns to propagate.

Thank you.
I have Solved the Issue in 2 steps.
1. Server had issue with resolve to connect to remote servers
Set DNS server to in /etc/resolve.conf
Not all server will have this issue. Some Hostings OS Image has this type of Issue.

2. This part i think MW really have something buggy in 1.5.7 Generating DKIM Key pairs.
Like : 1.5.7 Auto Generated :
"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2XSq99SfwaUHYyRfBb+1Dm8mLrZtpSHhAtf6ReeHtZKwk4GR+7rDqT+04wcDbc5UWY9/DkXVmIQD6kQAN7T1qhiP+SnHfsNiVA5MLjZtC3j+QleTfVYpP7oGN2Dg8VRjl9hinma2TEIJu0uLvDUzkpitUwrMK+UV6YnTOjTw+1aGLBHq/Aq1+romRKYG5jcqhRoAB4FcjP1FDH+ADPGh0FKy6Jwkpr1nLwudIEe7FxUe79znk+iQVcnahUkTcR2BGzdyZXTHrXk96wTu+sdahW/1lJ8MCIum6V0L5Nl2AsSu3phUdoRqUiHVw3737eZpEryK9f7kIYDzkWmXQIDAQAB;"

upto 1.5.1 Auto Generated
"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDbB8v4U/xr70b0uHcuRYwGQAvGKrEZ4yVrrpTIGkLLJgIZd2VigpoUJpaqDXJ4k1+ViPWLBGfX6ugCdGjFO8/YHjOCyb6p5lXoPtGmdiLPXvrRpARtVuX9+6yXjCixr4hDVmmsgnAkKVMmgFSp6mwHvTO9PsipGXLZ8lPtkwIDAQAB;"

The Length is different.
I solved by generating keys manually and gave MW to take the Key Pairs.
Manual generation was also shorter length.
@twisted1919 Please Check if it is really an issue in Last released Version. Or what else am i missing here?
@Ibrahim Sharif - The length is different because we use a stronger key length (2048 bits as opposed to 1024) when generating, so it's perfectly normal.
I guessed. But Why it was causing issue?
When i tried to add the new pair in hosting cp it said Invalid characters/ Unknown Chars in TXT records.
I just copied as i am copying from the beginning.
This is why i had to switch to old pair system.

and being a root user i forcely added record. But named service was not restarting successfully.
Because of not loading new ZONE file , MW could not verify the DNS records.

What should i do this case.
If you look at both keys, you will see they use same characters list, there is nothing new in the new one vs the old one, it's just there are many more chars.