Setting up redirect for "Subscribtion confirmed" not working


Active Member
Do you have a proper step-by-step guide or documentation for setting up a custom URL for the "Subscribtion confirmed" (or any other page for that matter)?
I keep getting a nasty error (see below) when just using a basic URL with a generic thank you message and cannot find any helpful documentation about how to do this right anywhere on your site.

Error 500!
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`natz_mailwizz`.`mw_list_form_custom_redirect`, CONSTRAINT `fk_list_form_custom_redirect_list1` FOREIGN KEY (`list_id`) REFERENCES `mw_list` (`list_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION)​
If you look inside mw_list_form_custom_redirect table via a tool like phpmyadmin, does it has any records ?
Yes. Though I am not experienced enough to tell you if there are any issues at the MySQL end.
All I can see is that I cannot even add the custom URL without getting the error.
The extension itself has no issue, i know dozen people using it just fine.
maybe you can try to disable it, then check to see if the table has been dropped.
after this, rename/delete the apps/common/runtime/cache and then try to enable the extension once again.

Follow the above steps in details.
Ok, here's what I tried:
removed extension > refreshed MySQL database > table was gone (good)
reinstalled extension > refreshed MySQL database > table was back (good)
added random URL as redirect > saved > same error came back > MySQL database had not added the the redirect

So whatever it is in my particular case, the custom redirect is not working.
No idea, if you wish you can send me a PM with login to phpmyadmin so that i can look at the table and see if the FK's are created and all.
The "missing" value that can cause this would be if you don't send the list_id value, but mailwizz sends this just fine, unless this behavior has been altered somehow ;)