Shared DKIM issue

Jamie Whittingham

Active Member
Hi guys, so I just upgraded to and when I set my standard / static SPF it disabled all my customers sending domains.

I was wondering what options I have here and how to I use the new static DKIM public / private key in the backend.

What domain I base the key on when generating a DKIM? where should I generate the pair?

Hi guys, so I just upgraded to and when I set my standard / static SPF it disabled all my customers sending domains.

I was wondering what options I have here and how to I use the new static DKIM public / private key in the backend.

What domain I base the key on when generating a DKIM? where should I generate the pair?

The top right info button might be containing the info you are looking for:
"Please note that the values you set here will be used for all the Sending Domains.
If you don't want this, then leave these empty."
Perhaps if you empty the spf in common, then the other domains will be working again.
In any case, you could generate the records for your main mwz domain or the domain you want to send from in 'sending domains' (and not save there) and then use them in 'common' spf/dkim settings. But most of the time folks have different sending domains and hence want to have unique spf/dkim records for each to ensure signing (if the delivery server does not sign).