Soft Bounce Emails - No Message


New Member

I started using Mailwizz a few weeks ago on behalf of my non-profit organisation. We sent out a monthly newsletter for October to approx. 9,000 subscribers and that was quite successful. We have also sent out three smaller campaigns to the organisation's various media connections - about 300 email addresses. No issues with that either.

We just tried to run our next monthly newsletter to the 9,000 emails and approx 91% have bounced back. Of the ones getting through, the usual activity seems to be apparent in terms of opens rates, which is good. But I am at a loss as to why the majority have bounced - it says they are all soft bounces but there is no message describing what happened?

Chances are I am missing something painfully obvious!

Many thanks for any assistance,

I started using Mailwizz a few weeks ago on behalf of my non-profit organisation. We sent out a monthly newsletter for October to approx. 9,000 subscribers and that was quite successful. We have also sent out three smaller campaigns to the organisation's various media connections - about 300 email addresses. No issues with that either.

We just tried to run our next monthly newsletter to the 9,000 emails and approx 91% have bounced back. Of the ones getting through, the usual activity seems to be apparent in terms of opens rates, which is good. But I am at a loss as to why the majority have bounced - it says they are all soft bounces but there is no message describing what happened?

Chances are I am missing something painfully obvious!

Many thanks for any assistance,

Perhaps you sent too fast from your own server without taking into account the receiving limits?
Have a look into the soft bounce messages, they usually are telling.
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Thank you for your speedy reply.

That is quite possible, I just did what I did the last time so assumed it would be OK this time. The first time I sent it out a few weeks ago to the 9,000 I was really impressed by how well it worked. It took approx. 90 mins to send out - perhaps slow it down?

There are no messages for me to read - the "Message" column is blank in the bounce report but it does state that they are soft bounces.
Thank you for your speedy reply.

That is quite possible, I just did what I did the last time so assumed it would be OK this time. The first time I sent it out a few weeks ago to the 9,000 I was really impressed by how well it worked. It took approx. 90 mins to send out - perhaps slow it down?

There are no messages for me to read - the "Message" column is blank in the bounce report but it does state that they are soft bounces.

they must be somewhere, either at the service provider (delivery server) or in your bounce box (then have them forwarded before they get deleted so you can always analyze them)
So it seems that they were sent out too quickly, not sure why it worked so well last time but I have a delivery server email box full of the following message:


This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a temporary error. The following address(es) deferred:

Domain <my-domain> has exceeded the max emails per hour (519/500 (103%)) allowed. Message will be reattempted later


Does this mean that, eventually, the emails will be sent out or that I need to manually dispatch them?
Does this mean that, eventually, the emails will be sent out or that I need to manually dispatch them?
If they bounced then you have to send them again...

In your delivery server settings, you have a field to set a hourly quota, so maybe ask your provider what hourly quota you have and set that there to avoid getting issues like this one ;)