SparkPost - anyone who used it, please help me

i have creat a sparkpost account and combined with mailwizz,
i need use sparkpost web api for Delivery servers on mailwizz

but i have a some questions ?

what is Bounce Domains, Sending Domains, Tracking Domains, Webhooks on sparkpost ?
What should I do on sparkpost to make full use of the features (track open, track click, bounce/complaint/abuse processing ...) on the mailwizz?

what is Bounce Domains, Sending Domains, Tracking Domains, Webhooks on sparkpost ?
Sending domains are the part of your sending email address that you use in mwz when you setup your delivery server and when you send a campaign, e.g.
Bounce domains are similar, except that you use them for the bounce server setup. However, ideally you have them similar to sending domains, as often the receiving servers like consistency (and spammers often have many different from/replyto/bounce/returnpath). Also, the bounces will be processed automatically by sparkpost if you are using the web api and webhooks (as you indicated you would).
Tracking domains are masking your links and wil enable click and open statistics to work, and again, due to web api & webhooks, sparkpost will send this info to mwz and you don't need to worry about it.
Re webhooks, you will find the webhook URL to use for sparkpost, when you setup your sparkpost delivery server within mwz and after saving the settings, look into the top right corner, where you will find the info box [ i ] - click on it and you will get the webhook URL to use in sparkpost. So you copy & paste that link in sparkpost and save the settings there, enabling tracking, bounce, etc.
Then run a test for all functions you want working ;)
@tannguyentee - See
You have to add a sending domain in sparkpost, which is the domain that appears in the FROM email address from your delivery server settings. That's all you need to do in sparkpost, mailwizz will then do the rest.
After your sending domain is fine, just add a delivery server of type SparkpostWEB API in mailwizz and that's it.
...oh....was typing while this must have been posted...sorry