Stuck need help!!


New Member
Mailwizz does not send emails.

And i can't connect smtp. I get this error.
  • The server type smtp requires following functions to be active on your host: proc_open or popen!
Read that i have to change something in my php.ini. But i dont have a php.ini file. So i made one. But what do i write in it?

When trying to setup domains.
  • Your system misses a few PHP functions/extensions in order to use this feature.
  • exec function must be enabled in order to handle the DKIM keys.
Hey man, don't panic. :-)

What kind of server are you on? Do you have ssh access to it? There should be an existing php.ini file for any server running php, so you shouldn't have to create one. Is it cpanel by any chance? If you want to start a PM with me I'd be happy to help you through it.

I've replied to your support ticket, if you are on a shared hosting that disables those functions, then you have no way but to talk to them and see if they can enable them for you.
if they don't, then you'll have to use one of the web apis implementation since those don't require proc_open or popen to be enable on the host and don't need to sign with dkim since it's going to be done by the api provider (mandrill, amazon, sendgrid, etc)

@Garret - Thanks man :)

I am facing the same issue today for the first time.

Mailwizz does not send emails.

And i can't connect smtp. I get this error.
  • The server type smtp requires following functions to be active on your host: proc_open or popen!
I am not able to resolve this issue. Please help. I am trying to install on a server with sentora web panel for centos.

You have to make sure those two php functions are not disabled in php.
Consult your web panel docs related to this.