Subscriber Count #


Active Member
Is there a way to change the subscriber counts to only count confirmed subscribers? My customers don't care what their total count is (confirmed + unconfirmed + unsubscribed +....). The number that seems to make more sense to track and be concerned about, is the confirmed.

Is there a way to change the subscriber counts to only count confirmed subscribers? My customers don't care what their total count is (confirmed + unconfirmed + unsubscribed +....). The number that seems to make more sense to track and be concerned about, is the confirmed.

this would make for a nice feature for the stats/graphs to have a pull-down menu with choices for
# confirmed only (present audience/customers/interest)
# unconfirmed only (future/pipeline)
# unsubscribed + blacklisted (past/lost)
# confirmed + unconfirmed + unsubscribed + blacklisted (past/present/future total)
Thanks @twisted1919

This might be overkill for this feature but a thought could be to allow customers to choose what number is displayed in a setting somewhere and let users select the default. That would then cover all the different uses of MW. For example, in my case, the confirmed # is really the only thing that matters 98% of the time. Customers could use filters when needed to see the other numbers. But maybe in other MW users, the opposite is true.

where exactly do you mean that, in all pages where we list subscribers?
In the campaign stats for customers it might be most useful.
These would also allow to see if one is gaining more subscribers than loosing, and probly a lot more.
Thx for being on the ball ;)