Subscription confirmed redirect


I am using a redirect URL for the Subscription confirmed page.

When using the row form, I see that the redirect URL opens in a new Window.
How can I have it open in the same window?

When using MailWizz form with the iframe, the redirect URL opens in the frame, which is very small and needs scrolling.
How can I have it open in the same window or another window, but not in the iframe?

Thank you.

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Apply this patch to mailwizz and then when you embed the iframe, in the src param of the iframe, make sure you include the new param, &target=_blank. once you do this, your iframe version will open in a new tab also.


<iframe src="" width="400" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
I am going back to this. As I have installed the latest MW version, should I installed the patch or is it included in the latest version?

Also, how can I control better the opening of the confirmation message when using the row form. In some cases, I'd like the message to open in the same window, and other cases in a new window.


I am going back to this. As I have installed the latest MW version, should I installed the patch or is it included in the latest version?
Hey, latest version, as we speak, is and that is enough to have installed, it contains the patch too.

Also, how can I control better the opening of the confirmation message when using the row form. In some cases, I'd like the message to open in the same window, and other cases in a new window.
For now what you see is what you get :)