I am having 2 issues that prevent me from sending my emails:
I am having 2 issues that prevent me from sending my emails:
- The system URLs, such as the Unsubscribe, ie [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL], and Web version, ie [WEB_VERSION_URL], links, are not clickable in my emails. When I send my emails and check in different mailboxes, such as gmail/etc, the links are text. I initially set up a custom tracking domain in my backend. However, after doing some research in the forum, I decided to remove it and try again. The issues persisted.
- The images are not displaying at all. My emails arrive to inbox so there's no block on my images from Gmail. The images are accessible when I check their source links. But, they are still missing when I check them in the mailboxes. I add images using the CKeditor. When I set up the CKeditor, I made sure to enable the file manager for both users and customers. If that's of any help, here's how I place my images in the HTML:
- <img src="http://domain.com/frontend/assets/files/customer/uniqueid/image.jpg" alt="Alt text here" style="display:block;width:100%;font-size: 14px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Trebuchet, Times, sans-serif, Tahoma;text-align:center; padding: 0px 0% 0px 0%; max-width: 640px; min-width: 320px;height: auto;outline: none;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;clear: both;display: block;border: 0;margin: 0 auto;float: none;width: auto !important;" class="75p" />