the challenge to move mwizz to other provider


Active Member
after few months we use mwizz few days ago we decided to move mwizz to anoter hosting providers, that a was big challenge and not simple task because the db was very huge, the very problem of mailwizz is that store a lot of quantity of logs in 2 table:
delivery server usage logs and campaign delivery logs, that trasnfer take approx 48 hr.
@twisted1919 I would like to suggest to implement a solution for cut data here or archive in other db after x months. I set a script to delete all campaign delivery logs older that 3 months but that not solve issue.
what do you think about?
after few months we use mwizz few days ago we decided to move mwizz to anoter hosting providers, that a was big challenge and not simple task because the db was very huge, the very problem of mailwizz is that store a lot of quantity of logs in 2 table:
delivery server usage logs and campaign delivery logs, that trasnfer take approx 48 hr.
@twisted1919 I would like to suggest to implement a solution for cut data here or archive in other db after x months. I set a script to delete all campaign delivery logs older that 3 months but that not solve issue.
what do you think about?
There are ways to keep the dbf as small as possible (depends how much log you need) and to transfer it pretty quickly, e.g. 30gb in a few hours (export and import).
If your dbf gets much bigger, then you can use dedicated dbf servers or even cloud solutions like aurora (for several TB).
I know but a feature inside mwizz always better
The high size of db is caused from logs, so if is possible delete or archive that from backend will be perfect