Timeout no outlook pop3 bounce

When I try to set up an office360 email account to receive the bounce notifications I get the error below:

"Connection failed to outlook.ms-acdc.office.com,995: Connection timed out<br />Can't connect to outlook.ms-acdc.office.com,995: Network is unreachable"

With the same auth login in a regular email client I can run the connection normally. I can ping this server from mailwizz server.

Can you help me solve this?
Looks like a firewall which does not allow you to do outgoing connections to the port 995. Ask your hosting about this.
Thanks for the feedback.
It does not seem to be a block on the host, when I run a telenet at the address mentioned on port 995, I get connection successfully.
The problem only occurs when I register the bounce. The system keeps trying to register for about 2-5 minutes before returning the mentioned error.
@Bruno Henrique Gomes - I can only talk based on the error you posted, and to me it seems it's because of a firewall. If it's anything else, though i doubt it, unfortunately i can't help and only your hosting can.
It's a pity, it would be a host error if I did not have any server connectivity, but everything indicates that it is something related to its platform, not host.