Sorry good old mailwizzard's!!!
i am complete new in mailwizz....I need the translation from mailwizz in german.
In i see the youtube movie....but i dont understand this steps.....bash???... console???....
-bash-4.2$ /usr/bin/php /absolute/path/to/apps/console/console.php translate??????
What i understand is, that the folder /public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/messages a 777 writable is.
Okay, that i have do over ftp access.....but not with bash, console ore -bash-4.2$ ....etc.
Also i activate the translation app in backend from mailwizz and i create a new language German de in
But than my hand do to my head.... I dont understand the next steps and dont know how go for to translate.....
in my /public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/messages gived not other files. This is right....i havent create this needed files....bash....console....-4.2$......omg...
Its realy so complicated to create the translation??? How can a simpler translation mailwizz???
Gived a anywhere in universe???
i am complete new in mailwizz....I need the translation from mailwizz in german.
In i see the youtube movie....but i dont understand this steps.....bash???... console???....
-bash-4.2$ /usr/bin/php /absolute/path/to/apps/console/console.php translate??????
What i understand is, that the folder /public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/messages a 777 writable is.
Okay, that i have do over ftp access.....but not with bash, console ore -bash-4.2$ ....etc.
Also i activate the translation app in backend from mailwizz and i create a new language German de in
But than my hand do to my head.... I dont understand the next steps and dont know how go for to translate.....
in my /public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/messages gived not other files. This is right....i havent create this needed files....bash....console....-4.2$......omg...
Its realy so complicated to create the translation??? How can a simpler translation mailwizz???
Gived a anywhere in universe???