Translation converter


New Member
Hello people! I am new here, just bought and installed yesterday the MailWizz.

Actually I am a full newbie about how the system works. I am just in the very beginning of configuration and I would need the translation for Portuguese PT_BR but here I was able to find the version only.

I don't know if there is such tool but I decided to make a "mixer-translator".

Well, I downloaded the package of the French language 1.5.1 translation (thanks to Laurent.O), the Portuguese package laguage (thanks to Cristian Serban) and made a quick tool that takes the old version plus the new one and generates a new file containing the strings that were found on the old file. For keys not found and to help post translation I put and * in the begin of the line so the final result is such:

* 'Test' => 'Test',
* 'minutes' => 'minutes',
'Success' => 'SUCESSO',
'The requested page does not exist.' => 'A página solicitada não existe.',
'Unable to impersonate the customer!' => 'Incapaz de acessar como este Cliente!',
'Nov' => 'Nov',
* 'Please choose' => 'Choisissez SVP',
'Please check your email address.' => 'Por favor acesse sua caixa de mensagem.',

Meaning that I would need to just search for the non translated strings.

Right now the tool is in the very initial fase and I will test and generate a package. If everything goes right I can release it here. It is a Windows executable tool but maybe I can compile to Linux too.

If something like that already exists, please let me know!
Actually I don't want/expect to have a mixed language. As I did not know at time where the original English pack was I just downloaded a full one that could be the Russian, the Germany, whatever to understand the files structure, I just choose the French one. So I had an old Portuguese version and took the string from the old to the new files, changing any key that could be found. If some file doesn't exist I am copying it as NEW_{filename}.php to later I translate it all.

The goal now is to have a very quick full translation of the Portuguese to the version 1.5.1, based on the old Portuguese version files, where instead I need to translate file by file, line by line, I will only search for one that was not translated.

The link you talk about, thank you, as quoted ("Above command will create all the proper files needed for translation and it will also create the language in the web interface") shows how to generate the language pack, but what I am doing is speeding up the file translation itself.