Trying to pull Open and Click history from Database


Does anyone know where the Clicks and Opens are stored in the database? I'm trying to build a Subscriber History table that is updated when a Click or Open or other Engagement happens. I have been browsing through the tables and can't seem to find that data. Other Email systems we have used generally store this data.

Thanks for any help.
@twisted1919 Thanks
I thought you were on vacation. :confused: Hope you are enjoying it.
OK track_url. I guess that is the word you use for click tracking. I am now informed.
I am learning to use phpMyadmin to work with the database. I don't see any Views in the Mailwizz database, but I'm guessing that is because I don't know where to look.
I need to find out where the "URL value" is held represented by the "url_id" in that table. Views would help me to discover those types of relations.

On another note: It seems that for every campaign we must then set URL Tracking to on. Is there an admin setting to allow that to be the default?

I thought you were on vacation.
I am :D But i can't let my customers hang, so i try to answer whenever i have the chance ;)
I need to find out where the "URL value" is held represented by the "url_id" in that table. Views would help me to discover those types of relations.
Have a look at mw_campaign_url, that's where we store the urls for the campaigns ;)

On another note: It seems that for every campaign we must then set URL Tracking to on. Is there an admin setting to allow that to be the default?
It's on by default. But if you copy a campaign will inherit these settings too, so if the copied campaign has tracking off, then the campaign will also have tracking off.