Unable to setup sendgrid web api as delivery server


New Member
I tried configuring send grid web api as deliver server, but encountered the following error.
Cannot send the confirmation email using the data you provided.
Here is a transcript of the error message:
{"errors":["The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, or revoked"],"message":"error"}

When I google for this, community people suggested to provide the generated API key, but there's no provision to do the same. I tried giving sendgrid username and password which I used sign-up with sendgrid, but it throws the error above. I'm new to sendgrid and email marketing stuff so I might have missed some basics.

Can anyone help?
Thank you very much! I'm able to configure it and verify the same. It would have easier to recognize, if the UI reads API key rather than password.
I'm getting the same error as the original poster. I added the api as the password and it accepted it but when I tried to verify I got this error:
  • Cannot send the confirmation email using the data you provided.
  • Here is a transcript of the error message:
  • {"errors":["The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, or revoked"],"message":"error"}
Yes I have. At least I'm pretty sure I have. I would send screenshots or a video of it but this forum is public to other members and I don't know how to blur private information.
@Twist I am having the same problem. I got Api from Sendgrid under the password section clicked save changes got the green bar that said it was updated successfully. But it can't send email verification even though I enter the right email address.

If Gary's problem is solve please advice me how you did it?
Also I setup another customer account went through the same process that customer account did send the email verification I opened the email click on the verify link but surprisingly the application is seeing this customer as an inactive customer account even after being verified.
Yes I had the same problem, as already suggested I used the Sendgrid API in the password and it approved fine, no error message received a confirmation email, now seems to approved.