Undeliverable emails added in blacklisted emails


How to fix this?
Some of my emails are not going through because of IP deliverability / blacklisted IPs etc.

I dont want that this emails marked as blacklisted anymore.

Is there any trick or fix for this?


smtp;550 5.7.1 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Our system has detected that this message is likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked.

Thank you in advance
Yes that's what I am doing. lol have 12 servers with min/25 IP range each.

Anyways blocked for spam emails are not hard bounces and must not be added to blacklisted emails. Is there a trick for this?

Where is the file processing emails from bounce servers? Must fix rules on it.
Where is the file processing emails from bounce servers? Must fix rules on it.
See apps/common/vendors/BounceHandler/rules.php

Whats the difference between Processing and Sending?
Processing is when emails are actually are processed and sent while sending is the status to show the campaign is not done yet, it waits to be processed, so in sending status, nothing really happens, but only in processing.
This file must be edited again - Changed only rules for some big ISP's
I just changed rules from HARD to SOFT but still this emails are added to blacklisted emails. So not sure how to proceed. Do I need to edit any other file?

Thank you


I just changed rules from HARD to SOFT but still this emails are added to blacklisted emails. So not sure how to proceed. Do I need to edit any other file?
No, you don't have to edit any file, if they end up into blacklist it is because they still match some hard bounce rules or they don't match any soft bounce rules. Keep in mind that the default is hard bounce not soft bounce, so if an email returns and doesn't match any rule, it's hard bounced.
Hi again,
How to change this default value?

I added this lines on rules.php

             'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/Connections will not be accepted from/is"
             'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/spam/is"
             'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/spamhaus/is"
             'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/OU-002/is"
             'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/abuse/is"
             'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/COL004-MC1F5/is"
             'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/BL000010/is"
              'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/SC-001/is"
              'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/DNSBLs/is"
              'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/IPBL1000/is"
              'bounceType'    => BounceHandler::BOUNCE_SOFT,
             'regex'         => "/block list/is"

But nothing changed. How can I add a general rule for the word "spam". I need that every bounce email containing term SPAM to be market as SOFT Bounce.

I think that this rule must be implemented for every user.
Try with the attaches rules.php file, put it into apps/common/vendors/BounceHandler/ folder, to replace the existant rules.php file.


Thank you for helping me.

Same emails are still added in blacklists.

Maybe I did mistakes on the file I uploaded early. I just need rules for the following terms be fixed from HARD to SOFT:

will not be accepted from

Just edit your original file. My file is a total mess now.
With the attached list, those should be marked as soft.
Anyway, let me try something else, to compile a new type of rules for you.
Gimme few minutes.
Try attached rules and lemme know.

P.S: Reuploaded the file (see last edit info)


Last edited:
Thank you
Trying now

Uploaded new file and after cleaning with:
DELETE FROM *_email_blacklist where reason like '%Spamhaus%';

I see emails are still added to blacklisted emails. Is there a delay on viewing results?
Hmm, maybe because the changes i have done during development to the bounce handler class, not sure, but let's try to replace the entire BounceHandler folder with the attached one (upload all files to override existing, including rules.php).


@Eldi - Could you please follow my last post and reupload the entire bounce handler folder?
I have done some optimizations there and you should make use of them :)
try with last uploaded archive, it contains the class and the rules and also the compat rules, just in case, so this should work...